E-Learning Instructor Guide


3.2               Grading               

Grades are indicators of student performance. When accompanied by instructor comments, they provide the type of feedback that is essential to student learning. Grading rubrics are a means for instructors to present students with this essential feedback. Criteria within rubrics should be germane to specific learning contexts. For this reason, generic rubrics are not ideal. Learning objectives, activities, assessments, rubrics, and outcomes should interact in unison. All are relevant and supportive of the learning environment as a whole.

3.2.1          SCC Grading Rubrics

A pre-determined grading rubric accompanies each learning activity in your course. Instructors are to add scores and significant commentary when grading assignments. Significant commentary aligns with the prescribed types of feedback presented in this document (see Feedback 3.1).  Accepted Southwestern Community College rubrics are provided in the Appendices (Appendices B – I). Rubric foci include: discussion forum, blogs, research paper, reflection paper and case studies.